Well it's getting to be just the same with threads.
With the Hot Chocolate Family I have been working with only two colours and all the intermediate shades between them, knowing that the results will be harmonious.
ChocoLime really grew on me...but as I looked at more and more leaves...I began to wonder what it would look like if I changed the chocolate to a more rusty red colour.
This is the result....

...yet another trusty Hearts Desire...this looks beautiful in every thread.
Lets see ChocoLime and it's cousin Rusty side by side for comparison....

....not a lot of difference you say. Well it's SUBTLE!!
Do I like ChocoLime's cousin Rusty....I love it!.....like ChocoLime has beautiful intermediate shades that gave rise to Antique Bronze I can see that I will have to experiment with the new fellas intermediates in another 'mousse' cos I see some lovely ginger shades in there....more work!
Well as the usefulness of these threads seems to be particularly in tatting leaves, (tho it would look nice in lots of other things) the question is does the new fella look like a leaf.
I have looked at so many leaves and photographed so many, here are a few....

Looking good...a bit of yellow in there wouldn't go amiss but that's for another day.
Time to tat some maple leaves.....

...this one uses KeyLime for the veins...

...this one uses RustyRed for the veins.
BUT I can't keep on calling it ChocoLime's cousin Rusty...it needs a name of it's own...but what does it really look like.
When we were up in the north west of Ireland a couple of weeks ago for my birthday, the answer shouted out at me. We were driving along for miles and miles with fields and hedgerows of.....on either side and I suddenly thought..that looks so familiar... the colour combo was exactly spot on.
That's it...one of those EUREKA moments....
I should have shouted STOP I want to take a photograph.
So what was it that I saw.
It was Bracken, loads and loads of ferny fronds of Bracken in all the colours from fresh lime green to the dried up rusty red fronds.
Do you remember how it feels to walk on dried Bracken, the crunch that it makes under your feet?
So ChocoLime's cousin got his name BRACKEN CRUNCH...do you think it suits him??
Back home I spotted Bracken near my house, not nearly as dramatic but worth a photo with my phone (ain't phones marvellous!).

Pretty cool resemblance don't you think.

This is what Bracken Crunch looks like en masse.

...and it's it's own little family group.

I LOVE to see what you have made with my threads.
Viv of Viv's Tatting Quest made these little motifs for earrings with a sample of ChocoLime that I sent her. She has such nice things to say about it.....makes my heart sing!

So what have YOU made?
I'm jealous that you have the time to do this so deliberately! Love seeing how you research all this.
ReplyDeleteLove the new rusty colour. This post keeps the eye riveted!
ReplyDeleteFox : )
Thanks Gina, research is my middle name!
ReplyDeleteAs for Time...what's that! not much of that round here. Just off to Grandbaby's first Birthday celebrations.
Wow Fox you say such nice things. I often wonder if it's worth all the effort.
ReplyDeleteWow, oh wow! The story behind the name Bracken Crunch is fantastic! Fox wasn't kidding about being riveted! (me by the story as much as the photos)
ReplyDeleteI have had my sample of Bracken Crunch loaded (CTM, of course) on two purple Sewmate shuttle for almost a week and I'm aching (no exaggeration!) ACHING to tat with it!
But I must finish up the giveaway prizes first. I promise to shoot you off a few photos the moment I finish my Brachen Crunch tats.
Gotta go, giveaway prizes are calling! (Ignoring the call of the vacuum, ha ha!)
Crikey IsDihara it wasn't THAT good a story..true tho.
ReplyDeleteYes get back to your giveaway prizes(tongue in cheek). I intended blogging about my birthday trip but not enough time. The scenery was stunning. Maybe sometime.
Like Gina, I'm jealous that you have time to tat those goodies up...and that Fox and Isdihara have time to read the WHOLE blog post! LOL! Lovely photos! Hearts desire always looks so lovely in any multi-colored thread.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, I haven't tatted much lately! It is fun to see the colors you've put together, and to learn about the inspiration for the combinations. I just need to retire so that I can try everything I want to do... ten years to go!
ReplyDeleteHi there! Back again to say thank you for visiting!
ReplyDeleteHi Chic, no wonder you cant read the whole post, its a full days work writing all the comments that you do. Thanks even for a brief visit.
ReplyDeleteHi Diane, retirement comes way too soon, but it's followed rapidly by a whole new lifestyle....and no more time that you had before!