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Tuesday, March 09, 2010

More 'Hope' for TTT.

Sitting down after a busy day at the shops...with a cup of Dragon Fly Brand Roobois and Vanilla. 
Bought a Butterfly T-Shirt... with lots of bling...wonder why I went for that one!

I tatted another 'Hope' Butterfly last night and its virtually perfect....I managed a much better curve on the antennae.

Front view.....
Back view
Isn't that pretty.
The threads are SweetShop and Forget-me-not. makes me want to tat it withe every SweetShop Solid!
My tip is to leave a little space at the beginning of the first large ring, between it and the antenna, that you can lock join into easily.


  1. Just gorgeous and your thread is lovely - wonderful combo.

  2. After seeing all the gorgeous butterflies yesterday, I decided to tat one. Didn't get too far on the first attempt, it's a great brain-stretcher, this pattern!

  3. That butterfly is really pretty in the colors your tatted it up in! Just lovely!

  4. Hi all, yes the pattern is not as easy as it looks, but it's just the passage from one wing to the other...and back to do the final antenna. It's worth all the trying tho.
    This colourway actually looks better in real life, much softer.. and slightly luminous.

  5. You make "HOPE" look very pretty.....


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