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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Number 14. Black Swans

These are the two Black Swans that we have in our wildlife park on Fota Island in Cork Harbour. They have been there for a long long time now and seem a very contented pair and have a nest in the undergrowth at the top of the picture.
I wanted to make them in tatting but haven't seen a specific pattern for a black swan so I used one of the many patterns for a swan that I found.

This one is another one of Martha Ess's Block tatted critters.

Block tatting has a solidity about it that really lends itself to animals, I think they look much more realistic than more decorative rings and chain designs.

Here is my wildlife park pond with the two Black Swans.

1 comment:

  1. Love Martha's little critters. Love your black swan.


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