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Friday, January 25, 2008

Thoughts on Tat It And See Day 9!!!!!!!

This is coming along so well, but I think I may have to revise my initial guess...made on day 4 after it got it's back appendage. I say 'appendage' instead of 'leg' as I am beginning to think that it might be an even more fiendish design from the brain of Jane.

While I am not going to register this as an official guess, I am beginning to think that it looks an awful lot like a new species of environmentally friendly fork lift truck!!

You can see the lifting platform at the front with the reinforced 'neck' area. Balance provided at the back by the solid 'rump'. Wide short legs provide basal support and movement giving a high physical footprint as well as a low carbon footprint!!!!

I am now waiting to see if Day 10 produces a seat for the operator, some controls as well as an entrance for the fuel!! Oh and maybe some headlamps. It is of course just possible that the operator walks behind and controls the actions using the small tail like protuberance!

Maybe this is destined for the logging industry to help the elephants. The curve of the lifting platform would be ideally suited to logs.

Jane has managed to keep me in suspense right to the last moment. What a lot of work went into the design which looks to me like an absolute cracker.


  1. Darn it, I thought I said not to mention what it is in public!!!! You've even spoilt the next TIAS as people will guess it's going to be the forklift operator!!
    Wretched woman - you are.

  2. oooooooooops!! sorrrrrrrrrrrrry!


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