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Monday, May 24, 2010

Moose droppings!

It seem that the local Moose (one of the local Moose) got a whiff of the Moose droppings sent from Canada by my friend .

 On closer inspection he decided that they are his, and has therefore laid claim to them.

Good job I haven't tatted a Moose yet!


  1. LOL! It's not often you see a moose settled on a settee sniffing delicious looking droppings OR wish you could scarf a dropping yourself! If he would like a little light reading while he snacks, I would heartily recommend a book called Moosetache - it's a page turner - believe me, I have turned the pages SO many times, I have it memorized!
    :) Ann

  2. OMG! SOOO funny! : ))) ♥Fox♥

  3. Ann, that book looks wonderful, I will look out for it for my grandson.

    Hi Fox...good job you all have a sense of humour! he was sitting within inches of the tin when I suddenly realised how like the moose on the tin he looked.

  4. Moose-y humor always makes for good reading, LOL! Could it be a case of love at first sight (or bite)?

  5. That is soooo funny and I reckon you should Tat a Moose!!!!L.O.L.

  6. What a gorgeous tin! They sell koala droppings in the mountains behind the Gold Coast - I must remember to buy a packet next time we're there!

  7. hmmm...I have some tatted moose bookmarks somewhere....unless I gave them away. Maybe if you had a tatted moose the local moose could be distracted from the moose droppings...

  8. keep the droppings, i'll have the moose. LOL

  9. *smile*

    I LOVE moose-s, I wonder if there is a moose tatting pattern any where, hummmmm.


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