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Saturday, October 12, 2013

70 ROCKS!!!!

Yup! It's Official!
Being 70 really does rock (if you let it).

I must admit that I approached being 70 with some apprehension, after all every one knows that that's REALLY old!
Hubby was none too happy last year when he found out that he can't hire a car anymore!

With the wisdom afforded to me by my grandson(see my first post on being BACK) I decide to enjoy being 69 ......but now that I AM 70 then I will enjoy being 70 as I will never be 70 again!

My funniest Birthday present was from my cousin's wife to whom I had told grandson's tale.
I heard a true story while I was away.........
......young lad was taken to Great Grandma's 94th Birthday party.
He was most impressed and blurted out.....
"Blimey! 94 and you're not dead yet!"

I remember when I was at school and we discovered the lines on our hands and their meaning, and I seemed to have a short lifeline! I always had a suspicion that I might die young.
Well now at 70 I don't have to worry about dying young anymore....that's one good thing(about the only one I can think of!).

So I determined to hit 70 running! in the hope that it might not catch up with me.
Partying with as many family members that I could visit in 12 days....preferably those who were older than me to make me feel a young sprig.
So after my exploits on a barge in Lancashire, we went to Cheshire and then down to Norfolk to see my cousin who was 70 a whole two weeks before me.
His wife as well as giving me the coaster had made me a beautiful hand stitched card.

Don't you just love it when people go to so much trouble.
They also gave me a copy of our family parties...every Christmas at Grandma's.

That's me and my cousin leaning against the piano. We reckon that we were 11.
Grandma is on the right. She must only have been 68 and yet she was always sooooh old.

Back to the ferry in Wales all the way across England, We looked for a nice place to stop half way and hubby suggested Stratford. Oh YES I thought.
I was asked by Kathy in a comment (yes I Loooooove your comments, they make it all worthwhile) if it was a coincidence that I visited Jane on her Birthday. The answer is no, not at all.
It wasn't actually ON her Birthday, it was a week after mine and a week before hers.

When I emailed Jane to suggest we met as we were both going to be 70.
She replied (seems that both her brain cells were out for recharging! (sorry Jane couldn't resist that)) and her BC3 was concentrating on what it does best......that she had forgotten that it was my Birthday, had even forgotten that it was her Birthday and had certainly forgotten that she was going to be 70!!!
But that it was a great idea to meet.

Back home there was time for just one more party with my tatters.......especially as one of them had a Birthday coming up, the same day as Jane.
Hubby couldn't understand why I would want another Birthday Cake so long after my Birthday!
This one a real girly cake befitting my age!
Talk to again soon.


  1. Dear Tatskool,
    Happy 70 years! It sounds like you had a great time celebrating. May the next 70+ be filled with fun, adventure, happiness, friendships, and health!

  2. Happy Birthday Tatskool!! Here's wishing you all the fun and family and love all year round! Enjoy your day and enjoy your year! Hugs, Carol Lawecki

  3. Happy Birthday Tatskool! As my Dad used to say- it beats the alternative! : ))

  4. Happy birthday! Looks as though you've had a great time celebrating this milestone birthday.

  5. Happy birthday! So glad to see you back blogging.

  6. Belated Happy Birthday, sounds like you celebrated it in style.

  7. Thanks HJ, Carol L, Fox (my sentiments too!!), Jane L, umi n tsuru, Diane,Carla,Sally. Yes life is wonderful with friends like you. Thank you so much for your support and good wishes thro' the years.


I love your comments they keep me blogging.
Every comment is much appreciated, but please try not to use my real name in a comment or on your blog. Tatskool is my on line name and one that I really like. Thanks.