But with a bit of luck I am going to spend Halloween with a new tatting friend and get to do exciting things.
I did tat Halloweeny things. Having been inspired by others it was Heidi Sunday's Pumpkins on a Vine.

My first attempts in Flora 10 and 20. I did find the pattern tricky at first.
3 Pumpkins, then 4...the lines got longer...up to 6 pumpkins...now what shall I do with them....mmmmm! I have an idea!

Time to play around a little and make some individual pumpkins.

All in Flora 10 and measuring about and inch and a half. the top one with two leaves and the bottom two playing with different colors for the side rings..are they leaves or miniature pumpkins??
They have more scope for little decorations... to turn this card....

....into this, with the help also of some holographic glitter.

So aren't you all dying to know what I did with my string of Pumpkins?????
Well...I had a really pretty tall jar filled only a week or so ago with Grape jelly made by my very special House Elf from his very special Black Hamburg grapes in his very special greenhouse...ripened in this especially awful summer!!
It was so obvious that it needed pumpkins wrapping round it...of course it should have been Pumpkin jam! and it should have had a much prettier label....but you can't have everything...this is of course for a special friend...with the very special card.
OK,OK enough is enough!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all my blogging friends! you are all special, very special!!