What should fall onto my doormat today but my copy of Martha Ess's new book
Tat's Amore. If you haven't already heard about it do check out this link. I promise that you wont be disappointed, it's a cracker of a book.

When Martha asked me a couple of months ago if I would like to be a test tatter for her new book to say that I was pleased would be the understatement of the year. As someone who never inherited any designer genes! I WAS DELIGHTED.
Offered a tempting, mouth watering choice of designs the problem was which to pick as they are all lovely but my eye went straight to the Crewel Heart that I had seen on her website some while ago. I had thought it gorgeous then but the lattice centre looked as if it would be somewhat difficult to get looking even. But I love a challenge so that was the one for me.
Martha's choice of colours of blue and silver was exactly what I would have picked so I had to do something different and leapt in with a central lattice of a fawny coloured Flora 20 and loved the result which looks like hessian. Was it diffficult...well after a bit of practice it was easy to get the spaces between the little rings relatively even. I am a Virgo and just read that Virgo's motto should be "Perfect is almost good enough!!" Mmmm I think that fits me allright!!
Do have a go at this one because the result is well worth it. Burgundy on one side looked lovely but what to choose for the other more side was a problem. One of the attractions of this heart was a sort of ying/yang feel to the two sides of masculine /femininess. But a certain orange thread kept shouting at me 'Pick me, I will make it zing! and I am a complimentary colour after all!! And so here it is.

Mmmmm couldn't resist trying a silver lattice centre next and it looks stunning, used Coats Ophir for this, together with a candy pink Flora 20 and a variegated Altin Basak 50.

Each large heart has one or two smaller accompanying ones and here they are with a silver centre. they also look lovely with a variegated thread for the lattice.
Lots and lots of things to try I was soon addicted and hope that they will appear soon on one of my Treasures from Trash denim bags

This little bag is being made from an itty bitty denim skirt that fitted a two year old, one of my many, many, many charity shop finds. The fabric behind will be used for the lining, a cut down elasticated belt and mmm those pockets are just crying out for little hearts.

Just when I thought it was safe to get back to tatting animals for my challenge, Martha tempted me further with another heart to test.
I thought that the Crewel Heart was my favorite 'till I tried this little beauty, this Flower Bouquet Heart captured mine.
Another one of my favorite fiddly pieces I am sure you will agree that the result was stunning.

I am now making this one again in brighter colours to show up against denim and going to add some beads for sparkle.
The little heart to go with this one is lovely too.

It looks so sparkly with beads that now there is competition to see which hearts go on the denim bag.

Thanks Martha for your lovely book, the pleasure has been all mine....and lots more hearts still to make.