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Friday, September 21, 2007

Number 13. Tigers

Oh! these little block critters of Martha's get cuter by the minute.

Recently two little tiger cubs were born(created!) here in Ireland. I don't think there are many tatted tiger cubs in captivity around the world, I don't remember seeing any.

Then yesterday they were joined by another, tiny as he is he was soon sitting up on the look out for mischief. I think that the first born must have got into a scrap as his tail has a nasty kink in it.

There is no sign of their mum or dad, has anybody seen them?

I finally got the hang of making these little fellas, they were all made with Flora thread, the older ones in 10 (5cm tall), and the little on is 20 (4cm tall). the thread is just the perfect colour. These designs are tatting perfection and there are lots more to choose from.

1 comment:

  1. Tat's what I call cool tigers. Love them to bits. Can't wait to see what you're going to make next.


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